20 January 2025
Amazon Click Through Rate: How Sellers can Boost CTR (2025)
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Amazon attribution tool is a self-service attribution tool that can measure your Amazon performance from off-Amazon traffic. As Amazon PPC practitioners and veteran Amazon sellers, we constantly drive off-Amazon traffic to boost our rankings. Therefore, this tool is handy, as it allows you to attribution off Amazon traffic much more accurately than using methods such as counting coupon redemption.
The Amazon Attribution’s conversion metrics include events such as product page views (DPV), purchases, and sales. These events give advertisers and sellers a comprehensive view into how different marketing tactics contribute to shopping activity on Amazon.
To access the Amazon attribution tool, you will need to create an Amazon attribution account via Amazon advertising. If you have not set this up, you can click on this link here. Once set, you should see your Amazon Attribution beta tool on the top right toggle.
On top of the above mentioned events, Amazon attribution can also measure:
Add to Cart ➡️ The number of times a promoted product is added to a customer’s cart after a click of an associated ad. Also called: ATC
Channel The ad type (for example, Display, Social, Video, Email, or Search).
Click-throughs ➡️ A click on an advertisement that directs the user to a destination outside of the web page the ad was on.
Detail page views The number of views of the advertised product’s detail pages on Amazon.
New-to-brand purchases ➡️ The number of first-time purchases for promoted products within the brand over a one-year lookback window.
Segment Division ➡️ of a specific group of people based upon demographics or behaviors.
In determining your Amazon attribution campaign structure, you need to think through the following questions:
By asking the above question, it will allow you to segment your products, channels, and strategies so you can keep your attribution account organized.
Now that you have answer to the above questions, the campaign structure/hierarchy pretty much goes like this:
It is a one-to-many relationship between Orders and Line Items. Quite similar to the Campaign to Ad Group relationship in Amazon PPC advertising.
Order is A grouping of line items tracking conversions and activity for the same ASINs.
Line item is The ad publisher, channel and click-through destination that is assigned a unique attribution tag.
So when you create an Order, you will add a product group of related ASIN(s), then you will add a Line Item to the order for a particular strategy or channel. I will get to the specifics in the section below.
The Click-through URL should be same as the landing page URL in the off Amazon campaigns.
In your Facebooks ads, you will add the Amazon attribution tag on the ads level under the Website URL area. Make sure the tag is from the correct Line Item that you have created for this particular campaign and channel (in this case Facebook)
You will add the Amazon attribution tag in your Adwords account in the ads level on the Final URL area. Make sure the tag is from the correct Line Item that you have create for this particular campaign and channel (in this case Google Adwords).
Based on the previous example, Facebook, you should create a new Line item just for Google Ads. Make sure in this instance you use the Google AdWords specific Line item’s Amazon attribution tag.
For Reddit ads, under the ads level, you will click “Create New Post” on the field Destination URL will be the place to add your Amazon attribution tag. Again create another Line Item just for your Reddit Ads.
We also have a tutorial on Amazon product launch using Reddit Ads. Feel free to check that out.
You create a downloadable Amazon attribution report by going to the report center by clicking on the toggle beside the Amazon advertising logo.
Amazon Attribution offers three types of reports: Performance, Keyword or creative, and Products:
Performance report is available for all orders and includes a variety of views in both a daily breakout and as a single time period
Keyword or creative report is only available for bulk-created orders and includes reporting down to the keyword or creative level.
Products report is available for all orders and includes product-level reporting for your top 100 products by sales
Select either 3 of the report options. Enter the required settings for the report (Advertiser/Orders/Report Period). Then click on “Run”
Also, keep in mind there is also a sales/order attribution lag of 12 to 24 hours. So, for example, a click attributed to the campaign can appear in the Amazon attribution dashboard pretty quickly, but its corresponding sales/purchase can take up to 24 hours to materialize.
Not too long of an article, but I think I got straight to the point on implementing Amazon attribution tags on Facebook, AdWords, and Reddit. Amazon attribution is a great new tool that allows you to measure any off Amazon traffic. As a result, it allows you to optimize your non-Amazon campaign and channels with the most accurate conversion information.
We are SellerMetrics, our Amazon PPC Software helps Amazon sellers, brands, KDP Authors and agencies navigate Amazon Advertising PPC via bid automation, bulk manual bid changes, and analytics.